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Zagadnienia z języka angielskiego dla poszczególnych grup na luty:)


FEBRUARY /febjułeri/- LUTY

Numbers- cyfry

Wiggle /łigyl/- poruszać, kiwać

sad- smutny

happy- wesoły

scared /skert/- przestraszony

angry- zły

sleepy- śpiący

The song: ‘Wiggle fingers!’

Show me your fingers, one, two, three, four, five.

Show me your fingers, wiggle them, wiggle them!

Show me your fingers, one, two, three, four, five.

Show me your fingers, wiggle them, wiggle them!

One, two, three, four, five!

The rhyme: ‘How many?’

One cake. Sad baby.

Two balloons. Sad baby.

Three hats. Sad baby.

Four friends. Sad baby.

Five presents. Happy baby!

Happy birthday, baby!

Polecane piosenki:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR-cfDsHCGA – liczymy od 1-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Ajq682yrA – liczymy od 1-20

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMCBFCrZcdg – liczymy z robotem od 1-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdDypyS_5zE – liczymy misie do 10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw – śpiewamy o emocjach


Źródło strony: https://grottepastenaecollepardo.org/


FEBRUARY /febjułeri/- LUTY

Numbers- cyfry

Wiggle /łigyl/- poruszać, kiwać

sad- smutny

happy- wesoły

scared /skert/- przestraszony

angry- zły

sleepy- śpiący

The song: ‘Wiggle fingers!’

Show me your fingers, one, two, three, four, five.

Show me your fingers, wiggle them, wiggle them!

Show me your fingers, one, two, three, four, five.

Show me your fingers, wiggle them, wiggle them!

One, two, three, four, five!

The rhyme: ‘How many?’

One cake. Sad baby.

Two balloons. Sad baby.

Three hats. Sad baby.

Four friends. Sad baby.

Five presents. Happy baby!

Happy birthday, baby!

Polecane piosenki:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR-cfDsHCGA – liczymy od 1-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Ajq682yrA – liczymy od 1-20

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMCBFCrZcdg – liczymy z robotem od 1-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdDypyS_5zE – liczymy misie do 10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw – śpiewamy o emocjach



Źródło strony: https://grottepastenaecollepardo.org/



FEBRUARY /febjułeri/- LUTY

Numbers- cyfry

Wiggle /łigyl/- poruszać, kiwać

sad- smutny

happy- wesoły

scared /skert/- przestraszony

angry- zły

sleepy- śpiący

shape- kształt

triangle /trajangyl/- trójkąt

squere /skłer/- koło

rectangle /rektangyl/- prostokąt

circle /serkyl/- koło

oval- owal

heart- serce

moon- księżyc

star- gwiazdka

The song: ‘Wiggle fingers!’

Show me your fingers, one, two, three, four, five.

Show me your fingers, wiggle them, wiggle them!

Show me your fingers, one, two, three, four, five.

Show me your fingers, wiggle them, wiggle them!

One, two, three, four, five!

The rhyme: ‘How many?’

One cake. Sad baby.

Two balloons. Sad baby.

Three hats. Sad baby.

Four friends. Sad baby.

Five presents. Happy baby!

Happy birthday, baby!

The song: ‘Shapes everywhere’

1. Shapes, shapes everywhere!

Look at the sun,

It’s a circle, it’s a big circle!

I can draw a big circle.

2. Shapes, shapes everywhere!

Look at the button,

It’s a circle, it’s a small circle!

I can draw a small circle.

3. Shapes, shapes everywhere!

Look at the window,

It’s a square, it’s a big square!

I can draw a big square.

4. Shapes, shapes everywhere!

Look at the cheese,

It’s a triangle, it’s a small triangle!

I can draw a small triangle.

Shapes, shapes everywhere!

The rhyme: ‘I can count shapes’

Shapes 1, 2, 3.

Square, circle and triangle.

Shapes 4, 5, 6.

Square, circle and triangle.

Shapes 7, 8, 9.

Square, circle and triangle.

Ten. What can it be?


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 shapes!

Polecane piosenki:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR-cfDsHCGA – liczymy od 1-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Ajq682yrA – liczymy od 1-20

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMCBFCrZcdg – liczymy z robotem od 1-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdDypyS_5zE – liczymy misie do 10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw – śpiewamy o emocjach

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbRDtCAFdU – piosenka o kształtach




Źródło strony: https://grottepastenaecollepardo.org/



FEBRUARY /febjułeri/- LUTY

Emotions /imołszyns/- emocje

I’m frightened /frajtent/- Jestem przestraszony

I’m happy!- Jestem szczęśliwy

I’m sad- Jestem smutny

I’m surprised /ajm surprajst/- jestem zaskoczony

I’m sleepy- jestem śpiący

I’m angry- jestem zły

I’m mad- jestem zdenerwowany

cry- płakać

shake- trząść

hide /hajd/- chować

The song: ‘How are you feeling today?’

Refren: Feelings, feelings, lots of different feelings,

How are you feeling today?

1. Today is my birthday, I am happy, I am happy.

I’m playing in the park, I am happy, I am happy.

I’m eating an ice cream, I am happy, I am happy.

I’m hugging mummy, I am happy, I am happy.

Refren: Feelings, feelings…

2. Today it is rainy, I am sad, I am sad.

I hurt my knee, I am sad, I am sad.

I am hungry, I am sad, I am sad.

My toy is broken, I am sad, I am sad.

Refren: Feelings, feelings…

3. I lost my daddy, I am frightened, I am frightened.

The slide is too high, I am frightened, I am frightened.

Here comes a shark, I am frightened, I am frightened.

It’s very dark, I am frightened, I am frightened.

Refren: Feelings, feelings…

4. It’s story time, I am calm, I am calm.

I’m stroking my cat, I am calm, I am calm.

I’m sleeping in the sun, I am calm, I am calm.

I’m floating in the sea, I am calm, I am calm.

The rhyme: ‘Happy’

1. Happy, happy!

What do you do when you are happy?

I play!

I run!

I sing!

What do you do when you are happy?

2. Frightened, frightened!

What do you do when you are frightened?

I cry!

I hide!

I shake!

What do you do when you are frightened?

Polecane piosenki i materiały:

You’re my sunshine’ song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPv9vMtbaqM

Emotions song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw

Action song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUXk8Nc5qQ8




FEBRUARY /febjułeri/- LUTY

Emotions /imołszyns/- emocje

I’m frightened /frajtent/- Jestem przestraszony

I’m happy!- Jestem szczęśliwy

I’m sad- Jestem smutny

I’m surprised /ajm surprajst/- jestem zaskoczony

I’m sleepy- jestem śpiący

I’m angry- jestem zły

I’m mad- jestem zdenerwowany

cry- płakać

shake- trząść

hide /hajd/- chować

The song: ‘How are you feeling today?’

Refren: Feelings, feelings, lots of different feelings,

How are you feeling today?

1. Today is my birthday, I am happy, I am happy.

I’m playing in the park, I am happy, I am happy.

I’m eating an ice cream, I am happy, I am happy.

I’m hugging mummy, I am happy, I am happy.

Refren: Feelings, feelings…

2. Today it is rainy, I am sad, I am sad.

I hurt my knee, I am sad, I am sad.

I am hungry, I am sad, I am sad.

My toy is broken, I am sad, I am sad.

Refren: Feelings, feelings…

3. I lost my daddy, I am frightened, I am frightened.

The slide is too high, I am frightened, I am frightened.

Here comes a shark, I am frightened, I am frightened.

It’s very dark, I am frightened, I am frightened.

Refren: Feelings, feelings…

4. It’s story time, I am calm, I am calm.

I’m stroking my cat, I am calm, I am calm.

I’m sleeping in the sun, I am calm, I am calm.

I’m floating in the sea, I am calm, I am calm.

The rhyme: ‘Happy’

1. Happy, happy!

What do you do when you are happy?

I play!

I run!

I sing!

What do you do when you are happy?

2. Frightened, frightened!

What do you do when you are frightened?

I cry!

I hide!

I shake!

What do you do when you are frightened?

Polecane piosenki i materiały:

You’re my sunshine’ song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPv9vMtbaqM

Emotions song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw

Action song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUXk8Nc5qQ8



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